Thursday, August 15, 2024

Australian Researcher Finds Link Between COVID Vaccines and Excess Deaths

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.*  

Experts interviewed by The Defender criticized some aspects of the study but said overall it contributed to the research on COVID-19 vaccines, including by showing that contrary to the mainstream narrative, the Australian states that were more vaccinated or boosted were the ones that fared the poorest in terms of excess fatality.

David Edmund Allen, Ph.D., published his report on July 31 in the European Society of Medicine’s official journal, Medical Research Archives.

Allen — whose research publications have been cited more than 2,000 times since 2019 — is a visiting professor in the School of Math and Statistics at the University of Sydney, an honorary chair professor in the Department of Finance at the Asian University in Taiwan, and an honorary professor of the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

This Is Where the Right to Die Leads Us

 By Alex Schadenberg*

Spiked published an in-depth article by Lauren Smith on January 15, 2024 titled: "Canada has revealed the horror of assisted dying." Smith tells the stories of the many people who have felt forced into  considering death by euthanasia.

Smith sets the stage for her article by calling Canada's euthanasia law a gruesome, state-sanctioned industry. Smith states:

There is nothing remotely civilized about Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAID) programme. Assisted dying in Canada was initially considered a last resort for terminally ill patients suffering from incurable pain. But in the space of just a few years, euthanasia has been made available to pretty much anyone who is struggling with an illness or a disability. Even Canadians facing homelessness and poverty are feeling compelled to end their lives, rather than ‘burden’ the authorities.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Legalising Assisted Dying Has Led to More Suicide

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre Press Release, 9 January 2024

New research published in the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health has found that the introduction of Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) has failed to reduce the rate of unassisted suicide in the State of Victoria. 

In fact, since the law came into force, suicide among older people in Victoria has increased by more than 50%.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Suicide Will increase in Queensland If Labor Introduces and Passes this Bill

Dr. Tim & Anne Coyle

By Mark Bowling

For entire article, click here.

Dr Coyle is equally critical of the Queensland Labor government’s push to legalize euthanasia under the state’s proposed Voluntary Assisted Dying bill.

“It is deceitful to call it VAD as if it is voluntary,” he said. 

“Why not call it what it is – euthanasia. It will be killing people with a lethal cocktail.”

Dr Coyle said evidence showed that suicide had increased in jurisdictions where euthanasia has been legalized. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Walcha Woman Claiming Assisted Suicide, Found Guilty of Murder

New South Wales woman Natasha Beth Darcy was found guilty of murdering 42-year-old sheep farmer Mathew Dunbar (pictured) in 2017.

For entire article, click here.

by Australian Associated Press

After sedating and gassing her grazier partner to inherit his property, Natasha Beth Darcy screamed at paramedics to keep on performing CPR after they declared him dead.

Darcy kept up her theatrics, telling authorities and first responders repeated lies, maintaining Mathew Dunbar (as pictured) had killed himself.

But after more than two days of deliberations, a NSW supreme court jury on Tuesday found the 46-year-old guilty of murdering the sheep farmer.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Trial Continues...Widow Claims Assisted Suicide, Prosecutor Says Murder

Walcha sheep grazier Mathew Dunbar with partner Natasha Beth Darcy, who has been charged with his murder.

By Harriet Alexander 

For entire article, click here.

In the months before the death of Walcha sheep grazier Mathew John Dunbar in August 2017, the internet history of his partner suggested an expanding interest in ways to take a life.

In February, Natasha Beth Darcy allegedly researched poisonous spiders, fungi and snakes. By March, she was running searches on epidurals, spinal taps and the number of tablets required to be taken to execute a suicide. In June, she allegedly typed into a search engine: “how to commit murder”.

Natasha Beth Darcy, 46, was the sole beneficiary of Mr Dunbar’s estate, which included Pandora, a 1200-acre property on Thunderbolts Way in northern NSW valued at $3.5 million. She has pleaded not guilty to his murder.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Graham Morant Red Flag to Oppose Assisted Suicide Legalization

By Richard Egan.
To view pdf, click here.

In a unanimous decision by three judges of the Queensland Court of Appeal handed down in Brisbane on 19 June 2020 in the case of R v Morant [2020] QCA 135, Graham Morant’s appeal against his conviction for aiding the suicide of his wife was rejected on all four grounds of appeal and the sentence of 10 years imprisonment was upheld as fair.

Morant was convicted on two counts under s311 of the Queensland Criminal Code. The first was that he had counselled Ms Morant to kill herself and thereby induced her to do so. The second was that he had aided her in killing herself.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Morant Loses Appeal

By Lydia Lynch, Brisbane Times

A Queensland man sentenced to 10 years in prison for helping his wife to kill herself for a $1.4 million life insurance payout has lost his appeal.
The ruling comes after emails between euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke and the man's wife were discovered following his conviction.
Graham Robert Morant (pictured here) was aged 69 when he was convicted of persuading his wife to end her life in November 2014.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Queensland Euthanasia Bill Deferred

Courtesy of Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition:

ABC News Australia, state political reporter, Josh Bavas, reported that the Queensland Australia euthanasia bill will be deferred until after the October 31, 2020 election. Bavas [said]:
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told parliament this morning the legislation would instead be referred to the Queensland Law Reform Commission for consideration, with an expectation it would respond after the October state election. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

If Assisted Dying Is a Right, Must it Be Made Available to Everyone?

Queensland Parliament
By Margaret Dore, Esq.

A Queensland Parliamentary Committee has made recommendations concerning voluntary assisted dying or VAD, meaning euthanasia and assisted suicide.[1]

Of special interest is the Committee's Recommendation 17, referring to "rights" of the patients to access VAD. The recommendation states:
The committee recommends that any voluntary assisted dying scheme in Queensland provides health practitioners who may have a conscientious objection to participating in voluntary assisted dying to opt not to participate, provided that the rights of the patients to access the scheme are also protected.  (Emphasis added).[2]

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Queensland Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Counselling Suicide to Obtain Life Insurance

To view original article, click here

Justice Davis
“However, one can imagine many circumstances arising where people in positions of trust and responsibility could succumb to the temptation to counsel suicide for personal gain.

By Hope Australia

These confronting words were spoken last week by Justice Davis in the Supreme Court of Queensland, as he sentenced Graham Robert Morant to 10 years imprisonment for counselling his wife to commit suicide.

The judge’s words articulate the risk that family members and others in positions of trust and responsibility can persuade a person to take their own life, particularly when they stand to gain financially as a result of the death. Such risks would only be exacerbated in an environment where assisted suicide and euthanasia was legal.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Man Convicted of Assisting Wife's Suicide

An Australian man has been convicted of aiding his wife's suicide, after a court heard he had coveted payouts from her life insurance.
Jennifer Morant, 56, had suffered from chronic pain but was not terminally ill when she died in 2014, a court heard.
A jury found that Graham Morant, 69, counselled and aided his wife to take her life. He had denied both charges.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Euthanasia Bill Defeated

"[T]he title of their legislation
gave the game away."
By Denis Strangman

In a narrow vote the Australian Senate today (Thursday) defeated by 36-34 a move to permit the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory to enact laws on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Most of the Australian media was campaigning for the pro-euthanasia move. A lot of work went on in the background with the group established by Paul Russell (Hope) encouraging a joint-Party meeting for Senators and staff to hear from two experienced Doctors from Victoria.